Shakespeare Night At The Blackfriars (London Idol 1610)

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$20.00 - $25.00

About This Show

Richard Burbage’s Blackfriars Theatre is not fairing well, what with the plague outside it’s doors and the rumors of war. “How might I resurrect this house. Another raucous bear pit, brothel, A drinking den”. Richard thinks why not a playwriting contest between the best writers of his time. London Idol 1610 is born. With playwrights Ben Jonson, Thomas Middleton, Francis Beaumont and the ghost of Christopher “Kit” Marlowe competing with each other by presenting their one page “cover” plays based on Shakespeare’s well known plays of the time.

Show Details

Running Time: 2hr 30min (1 intermission)
Dates: Opening Night: October 18, 2013 Final Performance: November 17, 2013
Location: Phoenix II Theatre, California

655 Geary St,

San Francisco,


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