About This Show

Julia Migenes is an opera diva. In 1998 she wrote Diva on the Verge, an irreverent one-woman-show that mixes monologue and opera. Drawing on her experiences in opera, she sketches out the very humorous life of an opera singer, and mixes in some of the greatest arias in the soprano repertoire.

Many critics claim that Julia Migenes is the most prominent actress-opera singer after Maria Callas. Julia Migenes is certainly a versatile diva gifted with volcanic temperament, who is hailed in every performance she gives. Popular and extremely attractive, Migenes has appeared on Broadway, and in many opera houses including Opera de Paris, the Met in New York, and La Scala in Milan. Altogether, she has given more than 6000 performances and recorded more than 20 albums.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: August 11, 2006 Final Performance: August 20, 2006