Danton’s Death, written by the dazzlingly talented Georg Buchner, dramatizes the few days in 1794 when the great revolutionary leader, Georges Danton, found himself opposing the militant architect of the “Regime of Terror,” Maximilien de Robespierre. The shadow of the guillotine hovers ominously and fatally above each and all the heads of the expertly delineated characters who were the great icons of the French Revolution. Needless to say these heads, representing the best and brightest of an unforgettable generation, tumble in a river of blood and with it, modern politics with its unresolved tension between mass liberation and dictatorial tyranny finds its most persuasive expression.
“Show my head to the people; it is worth seeing.”
-Georges Danton
Matinee: Sun, Nov 20 & Dec 4, 2 pm