New York City
On the eve of the anniversary of Brown vs. the Board of Education, Edris
Cooper-Anifowoshe contemplates her long journey through America’s integrated educational institutions. Although, funny at times, Adventures of a Black Girl… risks a hard examination of integration, affirmative action and the true purpose of education in America, particularly in light of the fact that Speilberg, Ted Turner, Bill Gates and Paris Hilton seem to be doing just fine without it. Is there a need for an educated mass? Is diversity moving us into anything useful besides the NFL, UPN and the WB? What and who actually benefit from “programs” in this country? What are the intersections between Shelby Steele, Bill OReilly, Ward Connerly, Wade Nobles? The Jeffersons and Leonard Jeffries? What are YOUR entitlements? A look at the machinations, manifestations, pitfalls and trauma of integration in education from an absolute refugee.