The Recommendation

About This Show

A World Premiere play from Jonathan Caren, one of America’s exciting new theatrical voices. Aaron is smart, privileged and liked by everyone. Iskinder, his college roommate, is modest, unconnected and comes from a middle-class immigrant family. Soon the best of friends, Aaron takes Iskinder under his wing, sharing his world of favors and fortune. But the safe haven of college only lasts so long, and once in the real world, Aaron is thrust into a terrifying situation without his familiar safety net. As the tables turn and he is forced to rely on an accused felon’s connections to keep him safe, both Aaron and Iskinder have to rethink the meaning of friendship and where loyalty has its limits.

Please note: This production is appropriate for mature audiences only.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: January 21, 2012 Final Performance: February 26, 2012
Location: The Old Globe, California

1363 Old Globe Way,

San Diego,


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