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$20.00 General Admission; $15.00 Members; $10.00 Students

About This Show

Self-exiled Zimbabwean dance theatre artist Nora Chipaumire is a truly powerful and inspiring performer, creating provocative and politically relevant multi-media dance work that is transnational, unafraid, and eager to burn cultural, creative, and geographic boundaries. Her 70-minute post-revolution solo trilogy, Chimurenga, uses movement, film, text, and a sound installation to describe the personal and collective trauma of surviving war and revolution in Zimbabwe.

Chimurenga is supported in part by a TourWest Grant from WESTAF, with the support of the National Endowment for the Arts

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 10min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: September 22, 2006 Final Performance: September 24, 2006
Location: City Heights Performance Annex, California

3795 Fairmount Ave,

San Diego,


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