New York City
Cementland lives a very special Boy with a singular wish to find a treasure. Amidst heaping piles of greasy toaster ovens, broken TVs, and wet smelly socks, he discovers a rusty old box promising wondrous riches, but all he finds inside the box are tiny grey specks. Even his new friends Rat, Rabbit, and Fruit Fly don’t know how to make treasure out of specks. Frustrated, the Boy leaves the box and the treasure unprotected. Thieves come in the night and the Boy builds a monster called Frog Belly Rat Bone to scare them away. Frog Belly protects the specks, and in doing so teaches all the friends a very valuable lesson.
Using their signature Hyper-theatrical style combining puppetry, music, video projections, and innovative prop design, the award-winning Rogue Artists Ensemble brings this popular book’s lovable characters and quirky aesthetic to life on stage.