About This Show

The most beautiful courtesan in Alexandria, Thaïs holds an entire city in her thrall as she embraces life’s most sensual delights. One man alone, the monk Athanaël, weeps for her sins, but his pilgrimage to save the sinner’s soul becomes a tortured journey of erotic obsession. As seducer transforms into saint, the holy man falls victim to his own passions.

The incomparable Nino Machaidze returns as Thaïs, with Plácido Domingo as her would-be savior. Patrick Fournillier conducts a thrilling production by Nicola Raab that has taken European opera houses by storm. Filled with intoxicating melodies and exotic colors, Thaïs seduces both eyes and ears with a glittering treasure trove of pleasures.

Show Details

Running Time: 3hr 0min (2 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: May 17, 2014 Final Performance: June 7, 2014
Ticket Office: 213-972-800