Pinchbottom’s Pretençión

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About This Show

The “best burlesque” of the East and the top stars of West will share the stage in the West Coast debut of Pinchbottom’s “hilarious (and dirty)” satire PRETENÇIÓN: un cirque de burlesque, un burlesque de cirque. The “joyously silly and self-mocking” farce will play Los Angeles for two nights only, featuring a cast of eminent ecdysiasts that can only be described as a who’s who of burlesque all-stars.

But what is Pretençión? A silly word made up to sound important? It would seem so, but the show’s creator has another explanation. “It is the place where Mystery sits at a table with Elegance, and Imagination orders a round of cocktails before dinner,” intones Jonny Porkpie, “a world where those drinks are served by a pompous clown. It is a sensual quest for an imaginary yet sexy element that turns burlesque performers from ‘Jerkques’ (ordinary people) into self-important ‘Cirques’: infuriatingly magical, unendurably spellbinding artistes who peel away the mundane with every layer of clothing.”

Pretençión takes cirque where only Pinchbottom could: past the bounds of good taste and into the realm of hilarious self-parody. A treat for cirque lovers, haters, and the entirely ambivalent alike. Step into the world of Pretençión – but be careful not to trip on the magic.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 20min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: January 19, 2013 Final Performance: January 20, 2013
Location: Hudson Backstage Theatre, California

6539 Santa Monica Blvd,

Los Angeles,


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