New York City
Loving the Silent Tears, created by 2-time Oscar-winning composer Al Kasha (Seven Brides…), tells a story about humanity’s search for inner peace. Starring Grammy winners Jon Secada and Jody Watley, Tony winners Debbie Gravitte, Kiril Kulish and Michael Maguire, Tony nominee & Emmy winner Liz Callaway, plus international talents. Directed by Tony-nominated Vincent Paterson (Michael Jackson, Madonna’s world tours), with choreography by Emmy winner Bonnie Story (High School Musical), set design by Emmy winner John Iacovelli, costumes by award-winning Sharell Martin and book by Frank Evans and Cynthia Ferrell. The show was inspired by the poetry anthology Silent Tears by Supreme Master Ching Hai, world-renowned spiritual teacher, humanitarian, poet and artist. Her profound verses are set to music by Mr. Kasha, 6-time Grammy winner Jorge Calandrelli (Crouching Tiger…), Emmy winner Doug Katsaros (Footloose), 2-time Grammy winner Henry Krieger (Dreamgirls), Tony & Emmy winner Don Pippin (Oliver!), Grammy winner Nan Schwartz (Harry Potter), and Oscar & 2-time Grammy winner David Shire (Big). Journey to 16 countries across 6 continents, with 30+ dancers and a live orchestra! The one-time only show on October 27 at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles commemorates Supreme Master Ching Hai Day for humanitarianism and peace.
Tickets can also be purchased in person here:
The Grove’s Concierge
189 The Grove Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90036