New York City
Luvin’ Life Productions presents Crash Pad, directed by Joseph Marcell and written and produced by Tanya L. Williams.
Crash Pad is a fun, comedic dramatic stage play about five diverse commuters living in a New York City studio apartment with a Wishing Well. The story takes place on “Wish Day”, the day the Wishing Well grants
its yearly marriage wish after receiving a personal talisman (lucky charm).
This full house of characters such as: TONI, a foolish African-American, social-climbing flight attendant, JIMMY TAY, an Asian, gay, narcissistic flight
attendant, TYCH, a young Latin, spoiled, religious fashion model, JEFF, a white, cocky and chauvinistic corporate climber and MAGGIE, an elderly white, youth-grasping flight attendant, all vie for the one marriage wish but all for very unique reasons. Personalities, morals and wishes clash in this cramped temporary abode while the question “what about love” looms in the air.