About This Show

West Coast Ensemble presents A Celebration of One-Acts as part of their second season. The shows included are:

Waiting for Death by Michael Maiello and directed by Larry Lederman. Funny things happen when Death shows up at a cocktail party?and six nervous people are dying to find out for whom he has come.

The Picnic Basket by John Richards and directed by Jason Broad. This emotional journey takes an elderly man through his preparation with his caregivers for a reunion with his estranged family at a picnic. Here we discover the family secret with which he has lived in denial.

Los Embarcaderos by Devon Greene and directed by Monica Martin. Three lonely people meet in a watering hole in the Embarcadero area of San Francisco during the Vietnam War. Through their mutual tragedies, they manage to connect?but can they prevent an even greater tragedy from happening that night?

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: May 2, 2000 Final Performance: May 24, 2000