About This Show

Inspired in part by Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Polaroid Stories takes place on an abandoned pier on the outermost edge of a city, a way stop for dreamers, dealers and desperadoes–a no-man’s land where runaways seek camaraderie, refuge and escape. Serpentine routes from the street to the heart characterize the interactions in this spellbinding tale of young people pushed to society’s fringe. Informed, as well, by interviews with young prostitutes and street kids, Polaroid Stories conveys a whirlwind of psychic disturbance, confusion and longing. Like their mythic counterparts, these modem-day mortals are engulfed by needs that burn and consume.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: November 10, 2012 Final Performance: November 13, 2012
Location: Boston Conservatory Theater, Massachusetts

31 Hemenway St,



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