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$10.00 - $25.00

About This Show

Meet Henri, Gustave, and Philippe, three World War I Veterans who have had enough of their dictatorial captors, smelly inmates, and bingo nights. Yes, life in the retired soldiers’ home is just insufferable! So they hatch a plan to escape to Indochina or at least to spot under the poplars on a nearby hill for a picnic. Adapted from Gérald Sibleyras’ Le Vent des Peupliers (The Wind in the Poplars) Heroes is a playful, poignant, bawdy, and touching play.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 30min (0 intermissions)
Dates: First Preview: March 20, 2014 Opening Night: March 22, 2014 Final Performance: April 12, 2014
Ticket Office: 978-590-327