About This Show

A Young Man’s Journey from Afghanistan to Freedom in America

The Canny Afghani, a one-man show starring Kawa Ada, is based upon personal experiences during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and Ada’s subsequent journey from an impoverished Asia to a life of freedom in America. Through heartache, and very often through comedy, the young Afghan reflects upon the clash of Eastern culture with that of the West, as well as the people of Afghanistan, and the devastating effects of war upon family, youth, and identity.

On the heels of the DNC, and on the eve of the presidential election, The Canny Afghani makes a timely arrival to remind us of this administration’s initial battle-ground for the war against terrorism: Afghanistan. “After September 11th, my skin color and facial features suddenly attracted attention to myself and those around me – I was living in America with an Afghan face,” says Ada, who recently graduated as valedictorian from The Boston Conservatory with a BFA in Theater. “All my endeavors as an artist soon took on a broader scope; this show not only brings my hopes of sharing the story of my family’s journey to light, but also gives a tiny voice to the plight of those who have had to flee the countries they call home.” Ada, who is currently playing ‘Troilus’ in the Publick Theatre’s production of Troilus and Cressida, has another side to him. “The show is definitely a little zany too. Afghans never take things too seriously. How could we?….. we have to laugh at ourselves just to survive!”

Appropriate for ages 14 and up.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: September 2, 2004 Final Performance: September 4, 2004
Location: Boston Center for the Arts, Massachusetts

539 Tremont St,



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