New York City
A kaleidoscopic musical journey, The Butterfly takes its audiences across multiple genres to create a fanciful world of sight and sound. The brainchild of creator Covayashi, the show fuses classical and pop music to create a genre that is known as Classical Crossover. It is a genre that encompasses the work of such artists as Josh Groban, Il Divo, and Luciano Pavarotti. In the hands of Covayashi, Classical Crossover takes the shape of a butterfly, whose varied colors, shape and wingspan embody the diversity and eclecticism of humanity itself. The result is a visceral auditory experience that shatters the cocoon of musical conformity and introduces a dynamic new world of symphonic possibility.
Covayashi’s beautiful Japanese and English lyrics are performed by singers Seiko Niizuma (Les Miserables, Miss Saigon) and Yuka Takara (A Chorus Line, Mamma Mia). They are joined by special guest singer Peter Matthew Smith (Mammia Mia, Rent, Hairspray). The music is by Japan’s most recognized young composer, Hibiki Inamoto; the recipient of the Jonathan Larson Performing Arts Foundation grant, Gihieh Lee; and Hijiri Kuwano, who has written songs for the concept album of Kenji Ishikawa’s photo collection “Moon Light Blue.”