Snakebit is a study of modern friendship when put to the test. The play centers on Jonathan and his wife, Jennifer, while they visit their oldest friend, Michael, at his home in Los Angeles. Jonathan, an actor, is in L.A. auditioning for a film–his first big break at stardom–and he’s dragged Jennifer with him for support. Jennifer is distant because their daughter was left at home with a relative, and she’s become ill. Michael is distracted as his boyfriend has left him, and one of the children he counsels was beaten and put in a hospital where he cannot see her. At first the focus is on the universal questions we all face at one point or another, specifically self-doubt, and our selfish need for support. With the arrival of a guest, the play becomes deeper and forces us to see how ugly we can be when we look only at ourselves when we really should remember to look at others – especially those we love.