New York City
Sundog Theatre and Snug Harbor present Willy Russell’s award winning Blood Brothers
The musical revolves around Liverpudlian twins Liverpudlian twins, separated at birth because their mother cannot afford to keep them both, who go on to lead very different lives.
Is it genes or upbringing that fashion the lives of these two individuals. A dramatic plot-based musical with good songs.
The pressures of superstition, class and economics trap them both and ensure their fate – their paths are destined to cross again in both friendship and anger.
Blood Brothers garnered six Tony nominations, won three Olivier awards, ran for two years on Broadway, and is still playing in London after 17 years, opens August 5 at Veterans Memorial Hall for a two-week, eight performance run.
Performance Schedule
Aug 5 @ 8pm
Aug 6 @ 8pm
Aug 7 @ 2pm
Aug 12 @ 8pm
Aug 13 @ 8pm
Aug 14 @ 2pm