New York City
EAG presents an Equity Approved Showcase One-Night-Only Benefit Reading of American Lives, two one-act plays by Mervyn Rothstein. Directed by Tyrone Henderson.
The Middle of the Journey
A doctor jogging in the woods suddenly faces a life-or-death decision.
With Jason Babinsky as Dr. Emanuel “Manny” Jederman and Ian Hersey* as A Mysterious Man
Back in the U.S.A.
A 16-year-old boy in 1950s Brooklyn encounters the brutality of racial hatred.
With Jasmine Rush as The Detective, Wayne Maugans* as The Client, and Yvette Ganier as Rebecca.
Stage directions read by Candyce Adkins.
All proceeds from this one-night-only benefit reading will go to support the charitable programs of EAG and NYC’s professional performing artists in need.