It’s 1989 and Veronica Sawyer is a brainy, beautiful misfit that wants nothing more than to be a part of the powerful, popular clique that rules Westerberg High School, the Heathers: Heather Chandler, Heather MacNamara, and Heather Duke. However, when she finds out what it’s really like to be a Heather, Veronica is confronted by the scary, cruel truth and is forced into a battle between right and wrong.
This dark comedy is nothing short of exhilarating, hilarious, eye-opening, and almost too relatable. We were all someone in high school, who were you? A Heather? A Beleaguered Geek? A Hipster Dork? A Preppy Stud? A Stoner? A New Wave Girl? Or The Dark & Mysterious New Kid in town? Heathers the Musical has something to say about everyone in the high school hierarchy.