New York City
Improv Salem! is a day of improv comedy, in the spirit of the hit TV show “Whose Line Is It, Anyway?”
Family Friendly Improv (4pm)
Parents and children take part in this interactive improv afternoon. Kids will have a chance to participate in the fun on stage with the STC’s professional comedians! Adults $10, children 14 and under $5.
Battle Of The Improv Comedians (8pm)
It’s survival of the funniest as the veteran members of the Salem Theatre Company’s professional Improv Troupe — under the leadership of Erik Rodenhiser
— go head to head with the highly-acclaimed comedians of Salem State College’s student improv troupe Grandma’s Third Leg. At the end of each game the audience will have the chance to vote a comedian off the stage until there’s only one comic left standing. $15 adults only.