Pegasus Theater Company presents the fourth installment of its much-loved musical extravaganza, the HollyDay Show, with this year’s edition written by Andrea Van Dyke and Steve Fowler, directed by Fowler, and performed by many familiar Pegasus actors and local folks.
When we first meet Santa this year, he is so depressed that he’s consulting a shrink. Rudy, who guided his sleigh that foggy Christmas Eve so long ago, has been transforming the North Pole by "modernizing" its economy. Rudy has outsourced toy production to the South Pole, where labor is cheaper; he’s taken Santa-ville off the candy cane standard and replaced it with paper currency, redeemable only at ReindeerBank, and with lines of credit at DeerMart; and he even tried to privatize the toy delivery system by making a deal with "Fed-UPS." Meanwhile, the North Pole is melting, and climate change is diminishing the chance of snow. Ms. Claus visits the shrink too, worried about the imminent birth of her first grandchild to her daughter Christie and her Yupik husband Deep Intuit, who are in dangerous places measuring the ice melt and saving polar bears. And in a surprise ending, Rudy, too, gets on the couch, wondering why Christmas doesn’t feel good to him anymore.