New York City
Magic-shy Muggles are advised to lock their doors and draw their curtains on when Shangrilah Bistro & Tea Garden celebrates Harry Potter’s Birthday with a Hogwart’s High Tea. Guests without house affiliations will be sorted (naturally) and after a welcome to Hogwarts address by Professor Dumbledore the assembly will tuck into a banquet including Cornish Pixie pasties, Treacle Tarts, Polyjuice Potion Punch and more.
Thereafter attendees are invited to root for their house in what is sure to be a competitive game of Quidditch. Unfortunately, for reasons of security since the reappearance of you-know-who (and because of Harry turning Malfoy into a wallaby last week), Harry will be unable to attend the party personally, spending that time instead in detention with Prof. Snape.