Theater News

International Festival of Hispanic Theater Line-Up Announced

The line-up for the twelfth International Festival of Hispanic Theater, produced by
Teatro de la Luna, has been announced. The festival will feature troupes from Argentina (Buenos Aires and Cordoba), Colombia, Dominican Republic, U.S.A., Uruguay, and Venezuela, and perform at the Gunston Arts Center in Arlington, Virginia, October 13-November 21.

Presentations will include Los Ojos del Hermano Eterno in Carta de una Desconocida (Letter from a Stranger) by Manuel Orjuela; Grupo TeaTeatro in Abanico de Soltera (Fan of a Single Woman) by Andrea Juliá; Teatro del Sur in Zapatos Andaluces (Walking in Light) by Laura Echenique; Teatro Guloya in Nuestra Señora de las Nubes (Our Lady of the Clouds) by Arístides Vargas; Teatro de la Luna in El Gato y la Gaviota (The Cat and the Seagull) by Jacqueline Briceño; Dra. Sexo (Dr. Sex) by Aníbal Grunn & Flor Núñez; Ff Theatrical Productions, Inc. presenting work by Dario Fo; and Grupo Kill Bob in La Cáscara del Huevo (The Eggshell) by Daniela Trakál & Matías Ibarra.

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